The Newbie Guide to Sex: Safe Sex Practices for Young Adults

If you're new to the world of sex, you might feel a mix of excitement…

Bridging the Gap in Pharmaceutical Care through Healthcare Financing

In Nigeria, at least 70% of the population receives primary care from the private sector(The…

How to Start Skincare for Beginners

If the term “skin like glass” has ever appealed to you, you’ve probably wondered how…

World Sickle Cell Day: Can We Talk About Genetic Testing?

It was 2AM and Yetunde was sitting in the passenger’s seat, her body leaning forward…

5 Nigerians Talk About Their Worst Hospital Experience

No one even looks forward to falling sick, let alone having to visit a hospital.…

Customer spotlight: Platinum Dental Surgery speaks on Partnership with NucleusIS Africa

Nothing fulfills us more than seeing the positive impact our product, Provider Advance, has on…

How to Get Health Insurance for Your Small Business Online

Health insurance in Nigeria is an essential aspect of ensuring the well-being of employees in…

hospital beds arranged side by side separated by curtains
Healthcare Financing in Nigeria: How NucleusIS Tackles Bed Capacity Crisis

Nigeria's hospital bed capacity crisis has been a concern for decades, with statistics revealing significant…

What All Women Need to Know About Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women in Nigeria and the second…

International Women’s Week: Empowering Women Through Accessible Healthcare

As we commemorate International Women's Week, it's essential to reflect on the challenges women face…