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It Hurts When I Pee, But It’s Probably Nothing, Right?

Remember that fun night you had that Friday? The night didn’t go as planned but it was a great ending nonetheless.

What do they say again? The best moments happen spontaneously!

One drink here, one drink there, you ended up in an apartment you had never been before and made a couple of decisions you’re not very proud of.

Now it hurts to pee and you’re not sure why.

What Causes Painful Urination?

Feeling pain or a burn when you pee can be worrying and make you dread going to the bathroom to relieve yourself. It definitely isn’t one of those symptoms you should just endure while hoping it goes away, especially if you’ve recently engaged in sexual activity with an untested partner.

Here are 4 sexually transmitted Infections known to cause painful urination or a burning sensation when you pee:


Chlamydia is a common bacterial infection that can affect both men and women. It often doesn’t cause symptoms, but when it does, painful urination is one of the most common signs. Other symptoms may include abnormal discharge from the penis or vagina, pain or swelling in the testicles, and painful intercourse.


Gonorrhea is another bacterial STD that can cause painful urination. In addition to painful urination, symptoms may include abnormal discharge from the penis or vagina, swollen testicles, and pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen.


Trichomoniasis iscaused by a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. In women, trichomoniasis can cause itching, burning, and redness in the genital area. It can also cause discomfort during intercourse and painful urination. Men with trichomoniasis may experience irritation inside the penis, discomfort during urination, and discharge from the penis.

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). While many people with genital herpes may not experience any symptoms, others may have painful sores or blisters in the genital area. These sores can cause pain and discomfort during urination, along with itching, burning, and tingling sensations.

STDs are not the only causes of dysuria. An extremely common cause is Urinary Tract Infection, which occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract and multiply, leading to inflammation. UTIs are significantly more common in women than in men.

If you experience pain when you pee, it’s best not to go with the painful flow. Go to a hospital close to you and speak with a doctor.

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